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ハワード・ワイツマン Howard Weitzman
Kabukicho Nights

2011年「FACING SHIBUYA」(Place M・M2ギャラリー 同時開催)
2012年「FACING SHIBUYA」(銀座ニコンサロン)
As a foreigner living in Tokyo, I am considered to some extent an outsider. Wherever I go, people see my Caucasian features and often assume that I cannot speak Japanese and am not familiar with Japanese customs. This can sometimes be frustrating, but I have come to accept it as part of living here. Perhaps it is because of this "outsider" status, however, that I was attracted to Kabukicho.
In many ways, Kabukicho is a collection of outsiders. Maybe that is why some people I met there sensed in me a kindred spirit, and for this reason let me into their world. Perhaps being an outsider persuaded others to indulge me in my desire to record what I was seeing.
These photographs are portraits of people and places in and around Kabukicho at night as I experienced them.
Howard Weitzman
Born in 1967 in the US. Graduated form Cornell University, Department of Communication, in 1989. First arrived in Japan in 1990.
2011 Facing Shibuya (Place M and M2 Gallery, Tokyo)
2012 Facing Shibuya (Nikon Salon, Ginza)
Currently lives in Tokyo.